From crdreamcatcher 03/26/2009

3-26-09 Where do I start in my tribute to my big sister, mother and best friend? You were always there for me, helping with guidance in growing up. When I was all grown up you cared with so much Love. We could talk on the phone (long distance) hours and not finish our love and thoughts. Sharing always, our concerns for family. You were such an independent gal!! Not wanting anyone to do much for you, most times in your independence you JUST DID, and forgot how to enjoy the journey in the moment. In our journey together you shared bringing into this world four beautiful children, who have so much of you in them. Taking my two when I needed a break. They so loved their best aunt, walking to town, river or just being fed things I didn’t fix for them.Scrubing them to make sure they were really clean!!.You took two long trips with me one by car where we talked,talked and walked the beaches. The other you flew up to spend time helping us get ready for the dairy. You did things like the old fence wire,pulling,dragging,rolling and stepping on it so it would fit on the truck to be hauled away. We visited a neighbor who needed our help finding and digging up night crawlers for her daughter to sell the next day. You would hold the flash light but not pick up those worms!! You laughed so hard at this helping hand. The times you would finally give in and let me take you to and from family gatherings. Amen Sis,you are deeply missed!! I loved and love you so!! Now you are always the wind beneath my wings. Moving forward. Love Always C